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Photography: Les Skuse and The Bristol Tattoo Club

Les Skuse and unidentified club member - 1950's

Les Skuse 1912-1973

Les Skuse opened his first tattoo shop in the English port town of Bristol in 1928. He was awarded the title of Champion Tattoo Artist of all England in 1955 and founded the Bristol Tattoo Club. Les’s kids took over the shop in the 60’s and his grandson Jimmie still runs the shop in Bristol to this day – a real family business. These photos are primarily of BTC members in the early to late 50’s and also of Les’s daughter-law, Rusty Skuse – The Most Tattooed Women in England. Check out the Skuse family web site for more of these photos and a bit more history about Les.

The Lords Prayer

Les tattooing Pam Nash - 1950's

Bristol Tattoo Club member

Les's daughter-law Rusty Skuse - "The Most Tattooed Women in England"

Comparing Tattoos

Les and Pam Nash